
UI / UX design training course

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Jul 30, 2020 at 08:07 am

Azerbaijan Charkhe Niloofari Non-Profit Institute

Sponsor Email :
[email protected]

Event details:

User experience is one of the basic and vital issues of a product. Science that helps designers and programmers create a valuable product. The product that users are most satisfied with.

Today, just implementing an application or website will not make it successful, but by focusing and researching on the users and goals of a website, it should be possible to provide a sweet user experience for the audience, otherwise this product will be doomed to failure. We are talking here about a science, the science of user experience design.

Some people mistakenly equate UI design with user experience, which is a misconception. User experience is a broad topic that includes very important items that should be considered in the design of the product, site, app or ....

Now, the Computer Science Association of the Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Tabriz, due to its very successful experience in the last five courses, is holding a specialized user experience training course for the sixth time with a distinguished professor, Mr. Babaei.